Aaron Wright

Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Tribute Labs

Aaron Wright is the co-founder and CEO of Tribute Labs and a Professor at Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law (where he is currently on leave). He played a role helping to launch Ethereum and has worked closely with a number of different prominent blockchain projects over the past several years.

At Tribute Labs, Wright leads a team that structures, conceives of, and supports the largest network of DAOs, including The LAO, Flamingo DAO, Neptune, Red DAO, Ready Player DAO, Neon DAO, and Dark Horse DAO.  These DAOs have supported over 200 projects, acquired thousands of NFTs, and have deployed millions of dollars into DeFI.

Outside of Tribute Labs, Wright's academic research has focused on smart contracts and the regulation of blockchain-based systems. His first book, Blockchain and the Law: The Rule of Code (Harvard University Press, co-authored with Primavera De Filippi) was published in 2018.  His other academic works have appeared in publications from Oxford University Press and the Hastings Law Journal.   Professor Wright has testified before Congress on issues related to blockchain technology, served on the Technical Advisory Committee of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and his work has been reviewed or excerpted by the The New York Times and Slate.