Ahmed Talhaoui, CFA


Managing Director, Head of Middle East & Africa and Head of EMEA Product Strategy for Global Fixed Income, BlackRock

Ahmed Talhaoui, CFA, Managing Director, is the Head of the Middle East & Africa Business and Head of EMEA Product Strategy for BlackRock's Global Fixed Income Group.

Prior to joining Blackrock in 2014, Mr. Talhaoui was Head of Investments at the PensionFund of the United Arab Emirates, in Abu Dhabi. In this role, he had responsibility for the investment of the Fund's assets, including the assessment and selection of external managers of traditional and hedge fund assets, and day-to-day responsibility for managing the Fund's proprietary fixed income and liquidity portfolios.

He was previously Head of Portfolio Solutions with Barclays Global Investors (BGI), which merged with Blackrock in 2009. In that role, Mr. Talhaoui was responsible for the management and oversight of all EMEA Index, iShares and model based active fixed income funds.

Prior to joining BGI, Mr Talhaoui started as a front office developer at JP Morgan in 1997, and was Head of Fixed Income Quantitative Portfolio Management at Credit Suisse Asset Management from 1999 to 2005.

Mr. Talhaoui earned a Master in Engineering in Applied Mathematics from Ecole Nationale d'informatique et mathematiques (ENSIMAG), France in 1997.