Alfonso Costa, Jr.


Deupty Chief of Staff to Secretary Ben Carson, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development

Alfonso Costa Jr. currently serves as Deputy Chief of Staff to Secretary Ben Carson at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). In his role, Mr. Costa is responsible for advising the Secretary and overseeing all policy (including regarding Opportunity Zones) carried out by the Department. Mr. Costa represents and leads HUD on the Federal government's Opportunity Zone Council ("White House Opportunity and Revitalization Council") chaired by Secretary Carson. The Council focuses on inter-agency collaboration, targeting of existing resources and programs, and external stakeholder engagement. Prior to joining HUD, Mr. Costa served as Vice President of Acquisitions for a real estate investment & development firm, Director of Policy for the U.S.A. First Political Action Committee, as well as a Teach For America (TFA) corps member. Mr. Costa earned his juris doctor from Harvard Law School, master's degree from the University of Oxford, and bachelor's degree from Yale University.