Alison Graham


Chief Investment Officer, Voltan Capital Management

Alison Graham is the Chief Investment Officer of Voltan Capital Management. She has over twenty years' experience in frontier and emerging markets finance. She traded through the 1995 Mexico crisis, the 1997 Asia crisis, the 1998 Russia crisis and the 2008 global financial crisis, giving her a depth of experience in managing assets during turbulent periods.

Alison began her career at Caspian Securities, an investment bank dedicated to emerging markets, as a senior equity analyst for Latin America. She later became the firm’s youngest partner and was part of a two-person team earning Institutional Investor’s first-place ranking for Latin American. In 1998, Alison joined United Financial Group in Moscow. She remained in Russia for seven years, managing assets and advising firms with interests in frontier markets.

For the past ten years, she has managed Voltan’s debt and equity investments across frontier markets, taking advantage of the high yields and strong growth these early stage economies provide. She holds a Master's degree from the University of California at Berkeley, is a Chartered Financial Analyst and is fluent in six languages.