Angelo Mozilo


Former Chairman of the Board & Chief Executive Officer, Countrywide Financial

Angelo Mozilo started his career in the real estate industry as a young man in Bronx, New York. As a young man he showed a keen interest and understanding of the lending business and after years of managing offices for a regional lender, in 1969, founded Countrywide Funding Corporation with his partner David Loeb.

Angelo would stay with Countrywide for its longevity and retired as Chairman and CEO in 2008. As a well known and sought after leader, Angelo served on many industry-affiliated and professional boards; such as National Housing Endowment, Joint Center for Housing Studies at Harvard University, Homes for Working Families, The Home Depot, and many others throughout the years. Angelo served as President of the Mortgage Banker’s Association from 1991-1992 Among other awards and recognitions, Angelo was named to the National Home Builders Hall of Fame, received the Ellis Island Medal of Honor, National Housing Person of the Year, Horatio Alger Award, Albert Schweitzer Prize for Humanitarianism, and was recognized by the National Italian American Foundation for Humanitarian Service.

Angelo is a proud graduate of Mount Saint Michael Academy. He holds a BS from Fordham University and Honorary Doctorates from Pepperdine and Gonzaga University.

In retirement, Angelo mentors young entrepreneurs, speaks on leadership, is an active investor and serves as the Director of his family foundation whose primary mission is scholarship and medical care.