Bjorn Tremmerie


Head of ICT & Business Angel Investments, European Investment Fund (EIF)

Bjorn Tremmerie is Head of the ICT and Business Angel Investments division at the EIF, which he joined in 2002.

With his team he invests and monitors investments in Venture Capital Funds in Europe and is in charge of a portfolio of over 150 European VC funds. He also runs the European Angel Fund co-investment programme with more than 100 enrolled Business Angels to date and through which co-investments in start-ups are made.

Bjorn also oversees the Dutch Venture Initiative Funds-of-Funds for the Bavarian region. Until January 2019 he also used to lead the EUR 3.2bn ERP-EIF Dachfonds programme that EIF is implementing on behalf of the German Ministry of Economic Affair and Energy (BMWi), an initiative dedicated to the German VC market.

Before joining EIF, Bjorn used to work for a globally active VC fund. He started his career at ING in investment banking.