Christian Angermayer

Founder, Apeiron Investment Group

Christian Angermayer is a serial entrepreneur and investor who builds and invests in companies that are shaping the Next Human Agenda: a future in which technology empowers people to live longer, healthier, and happier lives.

Christian’s family office and private investment firm, Apeiron Investment Group, has more than USD 3 billion under management and 50 people across five international locations. Apeiron focuses on Life Sciences, FinTech & Crypto, Future Tech and Experiences, Hospitality & Happiness. Over the past 20 years, Christian has founded three unicorns himself and has been the lead investor in four unicorns and two decacorns.

His current areas of focus include:

1. Psychedelics: Christian is known for leading the psychedelics renaissance which will tackle the global mental health crisis. atai Life Sciences (Nasdaq: ATAI), founded by Christian, is investigating the potential of psychedelic compounds including psilocybin, ketamine, DMT and ibogaine, and their potential use as approved medical treatments.

2. Longevity: Christian has founded two biotech companies, Rejuveron Life Sciences and Cambrian Biopharma, that are developing medical drugs with the aim to significantly prolong the human life span – with health spans to match.
3. FinTech & Crypto: Through his Cryptology Asset Group, Christian has interests in Block.One (one of the largest owners of BTC globally), Bullish, and Northern Data (Europe’s largest crypto miner), among others.

4. Future Tech: Christian is the driving force behind numerous companies at the cutting edge of new technologies, including: brain-computer interfaces (Blackrock Neurotech), AI, fusion power (General Fusion), lithium development (Rock Tech Lithium), Food Tech (Formo, Perfect Day and Hoxton Farms) and Space Tech (including Mynaric and Isar Aerospace), to name just a few.

Christian is an active thought leader and is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader, a member of the Milken Institute Young Leaders’ Circle, a partner of the Munich Security Conference, an advisor to President Paul Kagame of Rwanda, and a founding member of President Macron’s “Scale-Up Europe” initiative. His Angermayer Policy and Innovation Forum convenes international head of states, politicians, investors, and scientists coming together to discuss and address global priorities.

Christian is passionate about mental health and is a co-founder of the AURORA Institute, the first non-profit incubator of its kind, focused on funding the world’s leading individuals and NGOs dedicated to solving the global mental health crisis.

He is passionate about the arts and film and has been the (executive) producer of 26 feature films, including the critically acclaimed movies Filth (2013), Hector and the Search for Happiness (2014) and the Zack Snyder hit Army of Thieves (2021).