Dana Hollinger


Board Member, CalPERS

Ms. Hollinger has 30 years of sector expertise in finance, insurance and healthcare. In finance, specifically in managing to a liability that is actuarially based. She has held senior executive positions in the insurance industry.

Ms. Hollinger was appointed by California Governor Jerry Brown to represent the insurance industry chair for the state of California on the Board of CalPERS and is serving her second term.

CalPERS invests and administers pensions for 1.9 million people and oversees a global investment portfolio of 350 billion dollars allocated to public and private equity, real assets and fixed income. CalPERS administers the second largest health system in the United States providing benefits to 1.3 million members.

Ms. Hollinger serves on the Investment Committee for the largest asset owner in the United States. One of the 10th largest asset owners in the world including Sovereign Wealth Funds. She was elected Chair of the Risk and Audit Committee which oversees system soundness, enterprise risk management, internal and external audits, privacy and information security, ethics, compliance and other independent reassurance activities. Additionally she currently Vice Chairs both the Governance and Performance and Compensation Committees.

Ms. Hollinger has thematic expertise in risk and audit, governance and executive compensation. Ms. Hollinger is serving her second term on the Board of International Corporate Governance Network. Led by investors responsible for assets under management in excess of US$34 trillion, the International Corporate Governance Network (ICGN) is a leading authority on global standards of corporate governance and investor stewardship. ICGN’s membership is based in more than 45 countries and includes companies, advisors and other stakeholders.

ICGN’s mission is to promote high standards of professionalism in governance for investors and companies alike in their mutual pursuit of long-term value creation contributing to sustainable economies world-wide.

Ms. Hollinger is a partner in ABG a global consulting investment advisory firm.