David Dredge


Chief Investment Officer, Convex Strategies

Mr. David Dredge is Chief Investment Officer of Convex Strategies Pte Ltd, and previously CIO of Convex Strategies at both City Financial Investment Company Pte Ltd, and Fortress Investment Group Singapore Pte Ltd. Prior to joining Fortress, he was Managing Director and Portfolio Manager at Artradis Fund Management in Singapore from 2009-2011 where he was responsible for the fixed income aspects of their volatility based portfolio.

Mr Dredge is a long time Asian Financial Market participant, having originally come to the region in 1987 with Bank of America. He spent the next four and a half years performing various trading roles in Singapore, Jakarta, Tokyo, Seoul and Hong Kong during a critical period of market development and deregulation. Subsequently, Mr Dredge built and ran innovative Emerging Market Trading and Sales businesses for Bankers Trust through the 1990s and ABN Amro/RBS until stepping out of the banking side of the business.

Mr Dredge graduated from University of Utah with a degree in Finance, and completed an MBA at the University of California, Berkeley. David continues to be involved in market development activities, sitting as a main committee member of the Singapore Foreign Exchange Markets Committee (SFEMC), having previously served roles as the Main Committee Vice Chairman and as the Chair of the Market Development Sub-Committee.