David Rosenblum


Managing Partner, Prophet Capital

David Rosenblum joined Prophet Capital as a Managing Partner in 2009. Mr. Rosenblum began his career at Goldman Sachs as a junior trader in the Mortgage Department in 1992. For the next fifteen years, he structured and traded a wide variety of mortgage-backed securities. In 2005, Mr. Rosenblum was named head of Prime Residential Structured Mortgage Trading, with responsibility for the Agency CMO, Mortgage Derivatives and Non-Agency Residential Mortgage-Backed Securities businesses. In 2006, Mr. Rosenblum changed roles to head up the Collateralized Loan Obligation group. In early 2008, after two years running Goldman’s CLO business, Mr. Rosenblum left the securities division to join Goldman Sachs Asset Management as head of Structured Credit Portfolio Management. In this role, he built portfolios of distressed RMBS, CMBS and CLO securities. In December 2008, Mr. Rosenblum was additionally asked to be the sole GSAM professional dedicated to help implement and manage the U.S. Federal Reserve’s US$1.25 trillion Agency MBS Mortgage Purchase Program. He continued in both of these roles until his departure from GSAM in June 2009. Mr. Rosenblum earned a B.A. degree in Mathematics, summa cum laude, from Amherst College in 1992.