Dr. Donald Basile


Founder & Chief Executive Officer, Monsoon Blockchain Storage

Dr Donald Basile is Founder and CEO of Monsoon Blockchain Storage. As an entrepreneur and venture capitalist he has spent more than 20 years immersed in the tech sector, working with a wide range of firms in hardware, software, IT, telecommunications, healthcare and private equity.

Dr. Basile was Co-founder, CEO and BOD member of two recent industry leading storage companies both of whom went public on NYSE: Fusion-io and Violin Memory. Leading both companies from conception through global operations and creating total peak market value over $5B. Don led partnerships with the biggest IT companies including HP, Dell, Microsoft, IBM and SAP and his clients have included the world' largest banks, media companies, retailers and technology companies such as Apple and Facebook.

Basile completed both his MS and PhD in electrical engineering at Stanford University, after graduating first in his class at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Basile was an early participant in the first Internet revolution of the 90's. As the 90's came to a close Don was part of the core Raza investment team backing over 30 broadband data center companies including four IPO's and over a dozen $100M+ acquisitions.

Don and his teams have raised over $1B for high tech startups and he has been an investor, executive or BOD member in over 30 Silicon Valley companies. Dr. Basile career has included working at industry leaders AT&T Bell Labs, IBM, Comcast (Lenfest) and United Health Group. His current interests include Blockchain, Digital Assets, Al, mobile, storage, 3D printing and security and future revolutionary technologies Graphene and other advanced nano-materials.