Elizabeth Velez

President & Principal, Velez Organization

Elizabeth Velez spearheads strategic growth and project diversification for the 50-year-old Velez Organization as President and principal, ensuring that the second-generation construction services firm is one of the longest established and successful in the region. To her credit are hundreds of projects which have come to fruition under her direction, including over 600 units of housing made affordable by state and federal grants in the Bronx and Harlem, and over $10 billion of significant educational, healthcare, and large-scale projects throughout New York.

In 2022, Velez was appointed by Governor Kathy Hochul to the Board of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. In July 2022, Ms. Velez was joined the MTA Traffic Review Board – a six- member panel to determine the city’s congestion pricing toll. She served until 2021 as commissioner of the NYC Property Tax Reform Commission, which produced public inclusive recommendations to create transparency and equity in the NYC tax system. From 2020 to 2021, she served for both Mayor Bill de Blasio and former Gov. Andrew Cuomo on COVID pandemic advisory and recovery boards. She also served on the New York Stands with Puerto Rico Recovery & Rebuilding Committee, and the New York Memorial Commission for Hurricane Maria. In her advocacy role for the design and building industry of New York, Velez was Chair of the New York Building Congress, the preeminent A/E/C industry group. She continues in a leadership role with the NYBC as the newly created Chair of the NYBC Council of Presidents.

Velez is a graduate of Hofstra University, with both a Bachelors and Masters of Business Administration