Elroy Cheo

Co-Founder, ARC Community

Elroy spent his early career navigating the world of agriculture commodities, helping to expand his family’s business into new markets. He worked to set up the distribution ecosystem across international markets including challenging territories like China, the US and Russia, building connections and the distribution strategy from the ground-up. At its height, the business was one of the leading Asian suppliers to the US market.

He then pivoted his focus to China’s fast-growing property market during its boom. He focused his time on an extensive city development project in Hangzhou, connecting the right partners and navigating China’s multifaceted property market. The project was part of China’s plans to make Hangzhou a key fashion capital and magnet for China’s emerging and top designers, putting the city onto the global fashion map.

Upon returning to Singapore after a decade overseas, Elroy has spent the last few years immersing himself in the world of cryptocurrency and NFTs. A Web 3.0 enthusiast, he has now combined his understanding of crypto with his personal passion for using Web3 tools to create better digital products and experiences. The architect of the community, Elroy is lead designer of the ARC experience from community interactions and content to its user interface and its technology backbone.