Gilman Louie

Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder, America’s Frontier Fund

The Honorable Gilman Louie is CEO and co-founder of America’s Frontier Fund.

Gilman brings over 30 years of national security and investment experience. He served as an early CEO of In-Q-Tel—the pioneering technology investment firm funded by the CIA—from 1999-2006, as an expert and Special Government Employee to the Defense Innovation Board from 2016-2020, and as a Commissioner on the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence from 2018-2021.

Additionally, Gilman is the Chairman of the National Intelligence University, Chairman of the Federation of American Scientists, a member of the President’s Intelligence Advisory Board, a member of the U.S. Department of State’s Foreign Affairs Policy Board, co-founder of Alsop Louie Partners, and Chairman of LookingGlass Cyber Solutions. He serves on numerous commercial and advisory boards, including Maxar Corporation, Niantic, and Aerospike. He has also served on the Diversity Senior Advisory Panel for the Intelligence Community and as a member of the Technology Advisory Group to the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence.

Gilman received the CIA Agency Seal Medallion, CIA Director’s Award, Agency Seal Medallion, and Director of National Intelligence Medallion. Gilman received his B.S. in Business Administration from San Francisco State University where he graduated magna cum laude.