Jack Lau

Chairman, Swanland.AI; Founding Advisory Board Member, Zheng He Bella Romaine

Jack first obtained his BS and MS degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences from the University of California, Berkeley.  

In 1994, Jack completed his doctorate study in Electronic Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and became the HKUST’s first PhD graduate.  Jack then continued his post-doctoral research at Stanford University. In 1998, Jack returned to the Faculty of Electronic Engineering of HKUST and received his tenure there. 

Jack has been a serial entrepreneur.  He was the Founder and CEO of Perception Digital which eventually went public in Hong Kong.  He has also served on a number of publicly listed boards on both NASDAQ and Hong Kong.  

His latest passion is in artificial intelligence, blockchain, art tech, and green tech.

Jack completed his Kellogg-HKUST EMBA program in 2010.

Jack is a recipient of the 10 Most Outstanding Young Persons in Hong Kong (2000), Young Industrialist Award (2005), and Ernst & Young Entrepreneur Of The Year 2009 China award. In 2010, he was bestowed an Honorary Fellowship at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology.

Jack also serves as a member of a number of committees in Hong Kong, such as the HKSAR Innovation and Technology Fund (ITF) Advisory Committee and Enterprise Support Scheme (ESS) Assessment Panel, Innovation Technology Venture Fund (ITVF) Panel.