Jane Poynter

Founder, Co-Chief Executive Officer & Chief Experience Officer, Space Perspective

Jane is an award-winning global leader in human space flight and sustainability innovator. She is Founder and Co-CEO of Space Perspective the world’s only carbon neutral spaceflight company whose mission is to share the transformative power of space travel with the world.

Lifted by a SpaceBalloonTM as large as a football stadium Spaceship Neptune takes 8 explorers on a gentle 6-hour journey to space where they will have the quintessential, transformative, astronaut experience – seeing the blackness of space above and the brilliant glow of the earth below all without the need for rigorous training, crushing g-forces, or burning carbon-emitting rocket fuel.

Poynter was Co-founder Paragon Space Development Corporation that today has technologies on almost every human spacecraft in operation in the U.S. She was also a member of the Biosphere 2 design team and original crew who lived for two years inside the groundbreaking, self-sustaining prototype space base.