Jason Crabtree

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Chief Executive Officer, QOMPLX

Jason Crabtree co-founded QOMPLX in with Andrew Sellers 2014. As CEO, he guides the vision and long-term direction of QOMPLX, and oversees all aspects of company operations. Prior to QOMPLX, Mr. Crabtree served as a Special Advisor to senior leaders in the Department of Defense cyber community in support of operational cybersecurity missions including research and development, strategic risk management, and digital transformation initiatives.

Mr. Crabtree is a widely recognized expert on cybersecurity, data, and risk management. Jason has been featured on ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, FOXNEWS, CNBC, Associated Press TV and quoted in the New Yorker, New York Times, Yahoo Finance, Forbes, Dark Reading, and more. Mr. Crabtree has been a speaker, panelist, or fellow with DARPA, RAND, National Academy of Engineering, Center for New American Security, Markle Foundation, Oxford Analytica, and the U.S. Naval War College. He’s been published by Cambridge University Pres and is a lead inventor on more than 40 patents. He received a B.S. in engineering from the United States Military Academy at West Point, where he was selected as the First Captain and Brigade Commander of the Corps of Cadets and later elected as a Rhodes Scholar. He received an M.Sc.(R) in Engineering Science at the University of Oxford before leading infantry troops in Afghanistan in 2012.