The Honorable Jeff Sessions


84th Attorney General of the United States

Mr. Sessions was born in Selma, Alabama as the son of a country store owner. After attending school in nearby Camden, Sessions attended Huntington College, a small liberal arts college, in Montgomery graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree in History in 1969. He taught in public schools one year before receiving a Juris Doctor degree in 1973 from the University of Alabama. In 1973, he received his U.S. Army Commission and served in the U.S. Army Reserve for over 10 years, ultimately attaining the rank of Captain.

Mr. Sessions served for over two years as an Assistant U.S. attorney (1975 – 1077) before being nominated by President Reagan in 1981. Confirmed by the Senate to serve as U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Alabama, he held the position for 12 years (1981 – 1993). Sessions was later elected as Alabama Attorney General in 1995, serving as the State’s chief legal officer until 1996 when he was elected to the United States Senate (1997 – 2017). In the Senate, he was an active member of the Senate’s Judiciary and Armed Services Committees for 20 years. During this time, he served as ranking Republican on both the Judiciary and the Budget Committees.

Senator Sessions vigorously advocated for a restrained and objective Judiciary that follows the judicial oath to serve the Constitution and laws of our country. He fought for a frugal and balanced budget, a vigorous foreign policy and a strong military. Sessions strongly supported the War on Terrorism but acknowledges the need for realism and limits in our policies. Furthermore, he supports lawful immigration that serves the national interest and that the nation must stand firmly against unfair trade practices.

President Donald J. Trump announced his invitation to nominate Mr. Sessions on November 18, 2016 and he was sworn in as the 84th Attorney.