Kay Van-Petersen

Tip of the Spear, Ascent Capital
Core-Contributor, The REFORM DAO
Advisor & Investor, RVVUP

KVP sits at the helm of Ascent Capital, an esoteric, always investing & independent thinking family office that has four prime objectives: 1. The ability to extrapolate from incomplete data 2. Strategic Advisory Across the domains of Crypto, Macro, Venture & AI… 3… Which then tends to ripple into Strategic Investments into early-stage ventures & opportunities

House Ascent Creed: Chasing Jupiter… House Ascent’s Words: Prescient Always, Rising Forever.

KVP is a core-contributor to the Reform DAO – that is setting the bell-curve on the next evolution of DAOs, by cultivating an ecosystem of investing, market making & full on-chain transparency. His current focus is around business development & strategic partnerships.

He is also a Strategic Executive Advisor to the HODL Group Board - a best-in-class Digital Asset Manager & Builder – where he helps map out their global strategy, as well as capital raising initiatives. The HODL group returned +8x in the 2020-2021 cycle, as of the end of Oct 2023, their Pro-Forma returns are at c. +70% & +40% for their systematic fund & fundamental fund.

Ascent is a founding NED & Angel investor in Rvvup - a third generation multi-rail payment platform that delivers new real-time open banking and digital currency payments, alongside Cards, PayPal, Apple Pay & BNPL - future proofing businesses with one simple integration, instant settlement, increased conversion and lower fees.

Ascent is also an Advisor & investor to AI Companies TriSpectra & Synthar – which will be featured at the 2023 Singapore Fintech Festival.

He is Investor & Advisor to SoGal Ventures – A VC fund backing unconventional founders (women & minorities) & business models (Fund One is tracking at +10x).

KVP brings over 20 years of experience across the global finance sphere, having worked in London, Hong Kong, New York, Rio De Janeiro, Singapore & Thailand - He currently spends his time between the latter two, as well as the Middle East which he feels is just on the cusp of its Renaissance.

KVP stands out as a clear & independent thinker, with an esoteric global background spanning multiple countries & cultures. He possesses deep expertise in 1st principal frameworks across areas like Global Macro, Blockchain, AI, Finance & Geopolitics, along with a strong grasp of Strategy, Financials & Valuation.

He has worked across Investment Banking CF | M&A (Bottoms-Up) to Asset Allocation (investing) to being a Cross-Asset + Macro Investment Strategist (Top-Down).

Outside of filtering for exceptional opportunities & sapiens, he is a big-time sci-fi junkie, gamer, padawan martial artist & runner.