Lieve Mostrey

Chairperson & Chief Executive Officer, Euroclear

Since January 2017, Lieve Mostrey has been Chief Executive Officer of Euroclear group.

Ms. Mostrey joined Euroclear in October 2010 as Executive Director and Chief Technology and Services Officer of the Euroclear group and as an Executive Director of the Board.

Prior to Euroclear, Ms. Mostrey was a member of the Executive Committee of BNP Paribas Fortis in Brussels, where she was responsible for IT technology, operations, property and purchasing. Ms. Mostrey began her career in 1983 within the IT department of Generale Bank in Brussels, moving to Operations in 1997 and, upon its merger with Fortis in 2006, became country manager for Fortis Bank Belgium. She became Chief Operating Officer of Fortis Bank in 2008, which was acquired by BNP Paribas in 2009.

Ms. Mostrey was previously a Non-Executive Director of SWIFT, RealDolmen, Visa Europe and of Euroclear. She was until recently a member of the Supervisory Board, the Nomination & Governance Committee and the Remuneration Committee of Euronext.

Ms. Mostrey is an active member of several initiatives contributing to the development and growth the financial sector which include:

  • Febelfin’s Women in Finance, which aims to unify financial organisations in tackling gender diversity and share best practices.

  • Strategic Committee of the Federation of Belgian Enterprises (VBO-FEB), which is the only multi-sector employers' organisation representing companies in all three regions of Belgium.

  • General Council of the Vlerick Business School in Belgium as a keen advocate of education.

Having earned a degree in civil engineering from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in 1983, Ms. Mostrey completed a post-graduate degree in economics from Vrije Universiteit Brussel in 1988.