Maya Orlicky

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Vice President of Strategy, Diagnostic Robotics

Maya Orlicky is a seasoned executive, experienced in shaping business strategies and operations for global companies with sector expertise in the medical and healthcare industries. Currently, Maya is the Vice President of Strategy and Operations at Diagnostic Robotics where she leads the team responsible for the company’s growth strategy, business development, and product roadmap. Prior to joining Diagnostic Robotics, Maya was Chief Operating Officer at Travelsuit, where she built the company's operations and support team and designed a lead generation pipeline that led to a 40% increase in sales. She has served as Strategy and Analytics Manager at Bluevine, a leading fintech company, and as a management consultant for Boston Consulting Group (BCG) working mainly in the healthcare and the financial services spaces. Maya holds an MSc in Biomedical Engineering and a BSc in Biomolecular Science from New York University. She resides in Tel Aviv, Israel.