Honorable Professor Mthuli Ncube


Minister of Finance & Economic Development, Zimbabwe

Hon. Prof Mthuli Ncube is Minister of Finance and Economic Development in Zimbabwe where he is responsible for the stewardship of public finances and economic management, and also Governor for the International Monetary Fund, World Bank and African Development Bank. He is also a visiting Professor in African Studies at Saïd Business School.

Previously he was Professor of Public Policy at the Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford, former Vice President, and Chief Economist of the African Development Bank Group (AfDB,) and is ranked a top economic thinker on Africa and globally. He is also the HSBC Distinguished Professor of Banking and Finance at the Graduate School of Business Administration, University of the Witwatersrand, on a part-time basis.

Ncube holds a PhD in Economics (Mathematical Finance) from University of Cambridge, Selwyn College, UK, on 'Pricing Options under Stochastic Volatility.' Starting his career as a Lecturer in Finance at The London School of Economics, he has been the Dean of the Faculty of Commerce Law and Management, and also Dean and Professor of Finance at Wits Business School, all at University of Witwatersrand, South Africa, founding the Centre for Entrepreneurship.

He has extensive experience as an investment manager and investment banker, having worked at Investec Asset Management and Quantum Global Group. He served as Board member of the South African Financial Services Board (FSB), Chairman of the National Small Business Advisory Council, Chairman of the Board of African Economic Research Consortium(AERC) in Kenya, Board member of the Global Development Network (GDN), Board member of the Royal Africa Society and London, Board member of OMFIF, London.