Ruston Smith

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Non-Executive Chairman, Tesco Pension Trustees Limited

Ruston has over 35 years experience in the pension fund and investment industry.

He was the former Group Pensions, Insurable Risk and People Director at Tesco and CEO of Tesco Pension Investment Ltd - FCA approved in house investment manager.

Ruston is now the Chair of the Tesco Pension Fund (DB and DC) and Tesco Pension Investment Ltd, Non Exec Chair of JP Morgan Asset Management (EMEA), Non Exec Chair of Smart Pension Ltd, Non Exec Chair of PTL Ltd, Independent Trustee and Chair of the Funding and Investment Committee for the BAE Pension Fund, Governor of the PPI and Chair of GroceryAid (charity for the grocery industry).

Ruston was Co Chair of the DWP’s 2017 Auto Enrolment Review Board, led the Simpler Annual Statement initiative launched in 2018, chaired the cross regulator and industry ‘Standardised Assumptions Group’ and was on the Treasury’s Patient Capital DC Steering Group. He’s also a former Chair of the Pensions and Lifetime Savings Association.