Sarah Kunst

Managing Director, Cleo Capital

Sarah Kunst, founder and general partner of Cleo Capital, is an investor and entrepreneur who has worked at Apple, Red Bull, Chanel & Mohr Davidow Ventures. She is also a contributing editor at Marie Claire Magazine. She founded LA Dodgers backed Proday and has served as a senior advisor at Bumble where she focused on their corporate VC arm Bumble Fund and on the board of the Michigan State University Foundation endowment.

Kunst has been named a Future Innovator by Vanity Fair, Forbes 30 Under 30 and a top 25 innovator in tech by Cool Hunting. She has been recognized for her work in Business Insider as a 30 under 30 Women in Tech and Top African-American in Tech & Pitchbook Top Black VC To Watch, honored as a top women in STEM by Create & Cultivate.and Marie Claire Magazine named her a Young Gun to watch and she was honored as a top woman in VC by the Wall St. Journal and named a top DealmakeHer by the National Retail Federation.

She has written for Techcrunch, Forbes, Wall St. Journal, Fortune and Marc Andreessen named her one of his 55 Unknown Rock Stars in Tech. She was also named a coach for the 2020 Cartier Women’s Initiative where the startup she coached won top prize.