Sheila Warren

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Head of Data, Blockchain & Digital Assets, World Economic Forum

Sheila Warren is the Head of Data, Blockchain, and Digital Assets, and a member of the Executive Committee at the World Economic Forum. She founded the Blockchain and DLT team at the Forum’s Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution (C4IR), where she serves as Deputy Head. Sheila co-hosts a weekly podcast/TV show called “Money Reimagined” on Coindesk TV and was the architect of the Presidio Principles, the groundbreaking ethical framework for blockchain applications. Her pioneering policy work is helping shape the data and technology spaces to be more inclusive, ethical, and equitable. Sheila began her career as a Wall Street attorney at Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP before turning to philanthropy and civic tech over a decade ago. She was most recently the VP of Strategic Alliances and General Counsel at TechSoup. Prior to that role, she designed and launched NGOsource, a SaaS product focused on international grantmaking. Sheila serves on the boards of the ACLU of Northern California, the Equal Justice Society, TechSoup, and the Filecoin Foundation, and has advised the World Bank, the OECD, the Digital Dollar project, the California government, and others. She is an honors graduate of Harvard College and Harvard Law School.