T.J. Durkin


Co-Head, Structured Credit & Head of Residential and Consumer Debt, Angelo Gordon

T.J. Durkin joined Angelo Gordon in 2008 and is a Managing Director, a member of the firm’s Executive Committee and co- Head of the firm’s Structured Credit platform. He is co-Portfolio Manager of the firm’s residential mortgage and consumer debt securities portfolios, CIO of MITT, Angelo Gordon’s publicly listed mortgage REIT and serves as a board member of Arc Home, Angelo Gordon’s affiliated mortgage originator and GSE licensed servicer. T.J. began his career at Bear, Stearns & Co. where he was a Managing Director on the Non-Agency Trading Desk focused on structuring and trading of multiple asset classes, including subprime, Alt-A, second lien and small balance commercial. T.J. earned his Bachelor’s degree in finance from Fordham University and currently serves as a member of the school’s President Council. He is also a board member of VE International, a not-for-profit focused on preparing high school students for college and careers through skills learned in an entrepreneurship-based curriculum.