Tulsi Gabbard


Former U.S. Presidential Candidate

Since Tulsi was young, she’s had an innate passion to protect the environment and empower other young people to do the same.

At the age of 21, she stepped up to serve in the Hawaii State Legislature, followed by two deployments to the Middle East as a soldier in the Hawaii Army National Guard, and then returned to serve on the Honolulu City Council.

Today, she continues to serve as a fourth-term United States Congresswoman and a Major in the National Guard, being one of the first female combat veterans elected to Congress.

She has served for over six years on the Foreign Affairs Committee and the Armed Services Committee and now she is offering to serve as president of the United States, calling for an end to America’s disastrous policy of regime-change wars, the new Cold War and nuclear arms race, and a renewed commitment to protecting our planet and rebuilding our communities here at home.

Tulsi’s campaign is 100% people-powered and PAC-free, she doesn’t accept any donations from PACs or lobbyists.