Dr. Yossi Bahagon

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Founder & Manager, Clalit Health Services' Digital Health Division

Dr. Bahagon is a clinically active family physician, a serial entrepreneur, and a global key opinion leader in digital health.

Dr. Bahagon founded and managed Clalit Health Services' (CHS) digital health division. CHS is the second largest Health Maintenance Organization in the world. CHS's digital activity led the digital transformation of the Israeli healthcare system and became a global benchmark for nationwide digital health deployments. It serves today millions of patients, in tens of millions of interactions monthly.

Dr. Bahagon has also been a founding team member of several successful digital health companies and co-founded Qure Ventures – Israel's first digital health focused fund.

Dr. Bahagon serves as a special advisor for the World Health Organization, as well as an Advisory Board member of Best Buy Health and Almirall Pharmaceuticals and a mentor at Microsoft's Think-Next Accelerator and Biocat's Digital Health Accelerator.