Zach Dexter

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Chief Executive Officer & Co-Founder, LedgerX

Zach Dexter is CEO LedgerX, the first US-regulated bitcoin options platform. Zach developed and scaled the platform and custody system, and led all technical, systems, market surveillance, and controls aspects of the company's 3.5 year exchange and clearinghouse regulatory approval process. Zach is now leading the next phase of LedgerX's expansion into perpetual products, clearing for other exchanges, and international services.

In 2020, Zach’s first year back at the company, LedgerX saw 10x customer growth, futures approval, approval to clear products in arbitrary new asset classes, multiple new clearing relationships with startup exchanges in new product categories, and a completely new trading platform, rebuilt from the ground up to emphasize the company’s new combined retail and institutional focus.

Prior to returning to LedgerX as CEO, Zach led multiple engineering teams at MIRROR, the highly successful direct-to-consumer fitness brand. Prior to MIRROR, Zach served as CTO and co-founder at LedgerX.

Zach serves on the CFTC Technology Advisory Committee Cybersecurity Subcommittee.