Industry Partner | LV19

Wall Street Blockchain Alliance


The Wall Street Blockchain Alliance (WSBA) is an industry leading non-profit trade association created by professionals in the fields of global financial services, law, accounting, technology and more. Our mission is to guide and promote the comprehensive adoption of blockchain technology and cryptoassets across global markets.

The WSBA stands as a neutral, unbiased steward of education and cooperation between our members and key participants throughout global markets. We do this by engaging with industry leaders, policymakers and technology innovators through direct communication, comment letters, best practice recommendations and more to guide the industry dialogue through this important technological evolution.


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MediaJet: A Unique Marketing Platform for HNW Private Jet Travelers

MediaJet Newsstands provide a unique marketing platform developed to reach the world’s wealthiest consumers—private jet travelers. Just prior to boarding, passengers can select high-quality publications from MediaJet newsstands. Each newsstand offers SANDOW magazines (Luxe Interiors + Design, NewBeauty, Interior Design and Galerie) as well as publications from our luxury brand partners looking to reach private jet travelers, including Sotheby’s, Harry Winston, Bombardier and more.

In addition to MediaJet’s distribution program, marketers can access this audience through on-newsstand branding and insert programs in SANDOW publications. The MediaJet and SANDOW teams can also assist in the creation of a custom publication especially designed for the private jet traveler audience. More than 350,000 publications are delivered annually to this highly elusive and coveted audience via MediaJet newsstands. For more information, please email



GQR is a global talent acquisition and advisory firm specialized in matching uniquely talented individuals with the world’s most innovative organizations. Advanced specialization, proactive talent acquisition and global access form the centerpiece of our approach, enabling our people to collaborate with colleagues both locally and around the world to deliver highly skilled professionals to the most prestigious and technical industries.

Unparalleled market knowledge, unwavering drive and steadfast efficiency are what define our success. We are proud of our role as trusted ambassadors and advisers to elite institutions and aspirational leaders alike. Our strategic approach to talent acquisition, confidence in navigating uncharted territory and high standards of accountability are what make our success a reality.

Family Office Networks


Family Office Networks (FON) is the largest community of Family Offices located throughout the world. FON shares information, opportunities and investment resources with affluent families and high net worth individuals. On average, our families have investable assets of between $80m and $600m. The goal is to provide multi-generational support to family structures in order to ensure continued success and wealth preservation. Family Office Networks provides these services to both sing family and multi-family offices. By providing exceptional news, information and other resources, FON offers its clients the best platform for future success. Family Office Networks, which serves as the hub of all the Family Office Associations, currently has over 65,000+ users including 10,000 family offices and has grown dramatically since its launch.



Launched in 2001, Eurekahedge has a proven track record spanning over 18 years as the world’s largest independent data provider and alternative research firm specialising in global hedge fund databases and research. Headquartered in Singapore with offices in New York and Philippines, the global expertise of our research team constantly adapts to industry changes, allowing Eurekahedge to develop and offer a wide array of products and services. In addition to market-leading hedge fund databases, Eurekahedge’s other business functions include hedge fund research publications, due diligence services, investor services, analytical platforms and risk management tools. For more information, please visit

CFA Institute


CFA Institute is the global association of investment professionals that sets the standard for professional excellence and credentials. The organization is a champion for ethical behavior in investment markets and a respected source of knowledge in the global financial community. The end goal: to create an environment where investors’ interests come first, markets function at their best, and economies grow. CFA Institute has more than 115,000 members in 140 countries and territories, including 102,000 CFA charterholders, and 140 member societies. For more information, visit



The CAIA Association is a global professional credentialing body dedicated to creating greater alignment, transparency, and knowledge for all investors, with a specific emphasis on alternative investments. A Member-driven organization representing professionals in more than 100 countries, CAIA Association advocates for the highest ethical standards. The organization provides unbiased insight on a broad range of investment strategies and industry issues, key among them being efforts to bring greater diversification to portfolio construction decisions to achieve better long-term investor outcomes. To learn more about the CAIA Association and how to become part of the organization’s mission, please visit



The Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA) is the global representative of the alternative investment industry, with around 2,100 corporate members in over 60 countries. AIMA’s fund manager members collectively manage more than US$2.5 trillion in hedge fund and private credit assets. AIMA draws upon the expertise and diversity of its membership to provide leadership in industry initiatives such as advocacy, policy and regulatory engagement, educational programmes and sound practice guidesAIMA works to raise media and public awareness of the value of the industry. For more information, visit

Adam Smith Society

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The Adam Smith Society — a project of the Manhattan Institute — is a chapter-based network of MBA students, professionals, and business leaders who work to foster discussion of the moral, social, and economic benefits of capitalism.

We are a forum for MBA students and graduates to engage in meaningful dialogue and debate about free enterprise with one another as well as prominent figures in business, media, government, and scholarship. We believe that MBA students and business professionals should acquire more than just expertise in areas such as management, marketing, and quantitative analysis—as important as these skills are. They should also come to understand—and be able to defend—the philosophical underpinnings of capitalism—and apply that understanding to real-world business and civic issues. By targeting America’s most elite business school campuses, we aim to educate and inspire the next generation of business leaders.