Measure 8


Founded in 2018 by cannabis pioneer Boris Jordan, Measure 8 is dedicated to investing in the growing cannabis industry. By merging industry insights, operational expertise and investing acumen with proven processes and proprietary deal flow, Measure 8 has already had tremendous performance to date with Venture Fund 1 - up over 5x since Jan-18. Now, Measure 8 is launching a second Venture Fund and is expanding its’ team with a series of hires. After twenty-three years at FNY Investment Advisors, Justin Ort has joined as CEO of Measure 8 Venture Partners and will act as CIO for a newly launched liquid products offering. Both funds will leverage a deep and robust team of investment and operational people with extensive experience in the cannabis industry and will employ the same proven investment processes with continued success. Measure 8 is as enthusiastic as ever on the growth prospects for the industry and we believe we are uniquely positioned to recognize and maximize the opportunity around the cannabis revolution.