Voya Investment Management


Voya Investment Management is the asset management business of Voya Financial (NYSE: VOYA), overseeing $330 billion in assets for institutions, financial intermediaries and individual investors, as of June 30, 2022. Voya is one of the 50 largest managers of institutional assets globally, according to Pension & Investments, Largest Money Managers 2022 Survey, based on assets as of 12/31/21. Does not include AllianzGI assets transferred on 07/25/2022.

Drawing on a 50-year investing legacy and the expertise of 300+ investment professionals, Voya IM strategies span public and private fixed income, equities, multi-asset solutions and alternatives. We have cultivated an award-winning culture committed to understanding and anticipating clients’ needs, producing superior investment performance, and embedding diversity, equity and inclusion in everything we do.

ESG Momentum Stocks: How Values can Produce Portfolio Value

While it might seem better to focus on current so-called ESG leaders, we believe there is untapped value in the underappreciated ESG improvers.

The Rise of the Machines: ESG Investing is Next on Machine Learning’s Path

The breadth and depth of Environmental, Social, and Governance data that investors currently have at their disposal is “a good problem to have”, as it highlights the normative sea-change over the past decade towards a now crucial commitment that companies must make to ESG transparency. Machine learning can help in discerning – and when necessary, creating - signal from noise.

Glass Box not Black Box

Demystifying the role of machine intelligence in stock selection.

Voya Equity Machine Intelligence: Human Plus Machine

Voya’s Equity Machine Intelligence team aims to take emotion out of the investment process to deliver alpha that is uncorrelated to more traditional equity strategies.

Using AI, Words can Speak Louder than you Think

Separating signal from noise with natural language processing techniques.

How are Asset Management firms using Artificial Intelligence?

In a crowded world where active equity strategies increasingly look alike, machine learning’s potential to deliver genuine differentiation as well as mass-customization make it an invaluable tool for investment managers.